Monday, April 28, 2008

Newsweek Vocabulary


Re means like to re do or do over and since he has gone for the postion before and lost there recearting him.

If there is one issue that haunts the reinvigorated McCain candidacy even more, it is whether he will start a new war with Iran.

Newsweek Vocabulary


From the sentence you can see that it must be someone important since whats its between. inter means like to be apart of so its a part of commuating with foreigners.

Fearless and righteous, McCain has long been known to unleash a lacerating anger on those who cross him- Senate colleagues, foreign interlocutors, even the interrogators who once held his life in their hands at the Hanoi Hilton.

Newsweek Vocabulary


For the original sentence you can tell it's not viewed as a good thing. Also un- mean one and lateral- means side. So its only one side which isn't good.

There will be no more ill- justified lurches into the war, no more unilateralism, no more George W. Bush.

Weekly Calendar

To Do List
1 Finish Art Profile
2 Clean Room
3 Study for classes

Weekly Calendar

To Do List

1 Study for my spanish test
2 Pick up sister
3 Do my laundry